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Useful Links

Useful Links

Many members of the Drug Education Forum have websites and a full list of members can be found here.

The Drug Education Forum is not responsible for the contents or the reliability of linked third-party websites, either to or from the Drug Education Forum website, and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them. Nevertheless, we think the following are useful links for those interested in drug education:


Alcohol Concern



The National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse (NTA)

The National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse aims to increase the availability, capacity and effectiveness of treatment for drug misuse in England. The site includes details of the NTA’s work programme, as well as publications and guidance for those in the drug treatment sector.

The NCCDP helps build the evidence base for drug prevention including the contributions of drug prevention to wider public health issues; in particular reducing inequalities in health.

The Department of Health’s Substance Misuse website


Blueprint – a government research programme

The Drug Education and Prevention Service (DEPIS)

The School Health Education Unit

Wired for Health

Teacher Net’s PSHE pages

Teachers’ TV Teachers’ TV is a channel for everyone who works in education, from heads to NQTs, governors to support staff. Programmes take you inside classrooms and schools across the country to see how good teachers are bringing the curriculum to life and improving schools.

D-Worlddrugs information website for 11-14 year olds from DrugScope.

English Secondary Schools Association – ESSA is working to become the representative body for secondary students in England. It aims to support students in expressing their views about education by providing workshops and a network of support with other secondary school students.

AdfamWorking with and for families affected by drugs and alcohol.

Skills for Health aims to help the whole sector develop solutions that deliver a skilled and flexible UK workforce in order to improve health and healthcare, which encompasses the development and management of national workforce competences and National Occupational Standards (including DANOS-Drug and Alcohol National Occupational Standards).

DrugScope have a review of websites for teenagers which can be found here. They say, “Young people have embraced the web with enthusiasm and have realised that online resources can offer a range of exciting new learning experiences. The field of drugs is no exception and a number of UK based drug information websites have been set up specifically aimed at young people.”

Any organisation wanting to create a link to the Drug Education Forum website, or to request a link to be created to them, should contact us.