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Advisory Group

Advisory Group

The Forum elects an Advisory Group of five members for a two year term. The next elections will take place in time for the Annual General Meeting of the Forum in March 2023.

The current Advisory Group is:


Brian Dobson, Drug Education Practitioners Forum


Adrian King, NHEG
David Hart, PSHE Association
Marolin Watson, Hope USA
Paul Tuohy, Mentor, the drug prevention charity
Terry Brown, Voice, the union for education professionals

Terms of Reference

The Advisory Group is elected by members of the Forum; and comprises the Chair and Vice-Chair, plus up to three other elected representatives. The Election Procedure for the Advisory Group is outlined later in this prospectus. The Advisory Group can decide to co-opt non-members with specific skills to advise on particular issues. If unable to attend Advisory Group meetings, elected officers cannot nominate another representative to take their place.



Role of the Advisory Group

The role of the Advisory Group is to support and advise the Coordinator and aid the development and implementation of the work plan. The Advisory Group is guided by terms of reference which are reviewed bi-annually.

The Advisory Group will:

  • Advise on the development of the work programme and funding submissions and oversee implementation.
  • Advise on the preparation of agendas and papers for Forum meetings.
  • Publicly support Forum staff and decisions agreed by the Advisory Group and Forum.
  • Consider all matters relating to membership including applications for membership, and will make recommendations to the Forum in this respect.
  • Formulate and issue public statements within agreed Forum policy.
  • Liaise with Forum members by providing regular, formal feedback at Forum meetings and between meetings where appropriate.
  • Liaise with Mentor USA, the host agency, on behalf of the Forum.

Role of the Chair and the Vice Chair

The role of the Chair is to lead Forum meetings and Advisory Group meetings, ensuring they keep to task and that all voices are heard. The Chair will provide a formal report for each Forum meeting following an Advisory Group meeting and will delegate this duty to the Vice Chair or another member of the Advisory Group if s/he is unable to attend the meeting. The role of the Vice-Chair is to support and when necessary deputise for the Chair and to attend Forum meetings and Advisory Group meetings.