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List of Members

List of Members

Adfam – Working with and for families affected by drugs and alcohol.


Alcohol Concern – Alcohol Concern is the national agency on alcohol misuse. They work to reduce the incidence and costs of alcohol-related harm and to increase the range and quality of services available to people with alcohol-related problems.


Association of Chief Police Officers


Association of School and College Leaders – ASCL, is the professional association for leaders of secondary schools and colleges. Heads, principals, deputy heads, vice-principals, assistant heads, assistant principals, bursars and other senior post holders are eligible for ASCL membership.


Association of Teachers and Lecturers


Care for the Familya national charity which aims to promote strong family life and to help those hurting because of family breakdown.


Children in Crisis – through their d:side programme offer exciting, interactive drug and alcohol education programme for children and young people that encourages them to make positive, informed decisions about their lifestyles.


The Children’s Society


The Children?s Safety Education Foundation promotes and furthers the Personal Safety, Social, Health and Citizenship Education of children and young people throughout the United Kingdom and Eire.


Clubs for Young People – aims to be the leading voluntary youth organisation in the UK promoting the involvement, enjoyment and achievement of all young people.


DrinkAware Trust – The Drinkaware Trust aims to tackle alcohol misuse by changing the drinking culture in the UK. It campaigns to tackle binge drinking and reduce drink-driving and gives grants to community projects (especially youth projects) working in the field of alcohol education and prevention of misuse.


DARE (UK)a British registered charity and part of a worldwide educational organisation, now taught in 55 countries, which provide recipients with the knowledge and life skills to resist harmful drugs, including alcohol and tobacco.


Drug Education Practitioners Forum – The aim of the Drug Education Practitioners’ Forum (DEPF) is to enhance and to promote quality drug education through support for the professional development of drug education practitioners working both in formal and informal settings. Membership is open to all practitioners who are prepared to share a commitment to the Forum’s Aims and Objectives as stated in the Terms of Reference. At least three meetings are held a year at DrugScope, the DEPF’s hosting organisation. For information about the dates of the meetings contact Carol Marsh at Drugscope (020 7940 7500) or email [email protected].


Drugsline – an independent drugs crisis, information and support charity based in London. It provides free and confidential information and support for people with drugs and alcohol related issues, their families and friends.


DrugScope – the UK’s leading centre of knowledge on drugs, DrugScope works to ensure that both UK policies and the media debate are based on evidence arising from impartial research; and that quality support services are available across the UK. DrugScope is a membership based organisation with over 1,000 members ensuring that the voices of professionals from across the drugs and related fields are heard.


Hope UK – A drugs prevention/education charity with a Christian foundation. We work to prevent drug-related harm and promote drug-free choices. We aim to encourage children and young people to live healthy lives, making their own decisions and fulfilling their potential. Each year Hope UK staff and Voluntary Drug Educators provide over 1200 talks or training sessions throughout the UK and over 100,00 items of literature are distributed to schools, churches, youth clubs, children’s groups and parents.


Life Education Centres – Life Education is a national children?s charity with a mission to work in partnership with schools and engage with others in the community to support children and young people?s health choices. Currently, the charity works with about 3,500 primary schools and delivers a series of age-related programmes for children aged 3 to 11. These are designed to encourage positive attitudes towards health, build self knowledge and awareness and help children develop the life-skills necessary to put their health choices into practice. Additional programmes to support parents/carers, which are universal in approach but can be targeted at areas of greatest need, complement the work with children, by helping parents to give consistent messages in the home and provide effective role models.


Local Government AssociationThe LGA exists to promote better local government. We work with and for our member authorities to realise a shared vision of local government that enables local people to shape a distinctive and better future for their locality and its communities. The LGA aims to put local councils at the heart of the drive to improve public services and to work with government to ensure that the policy, legislative and financial context in which they operate, supports that objective.


Mentor UK – The Mentor Foundation focuses on the prevention of drug misuse in its efforts to promote the health and well-being of children and young people and to reduce damage to their lives. Mentor aims to support the effective use of resources (human, financial and intellectual) to achieve its goals. Mentor’s focus is to “help the helpers”, by identifying the most promising and excellent practices for drug misuse prevention and by disseminating this experience and knowledge internationally.


National Association of Head Teachers




National Association of Youth and Community Education OfficersNayceo is the only Professional Association, in partnership with NUT, supporting Youth and Community Officers, Managers and Advisers of services for young people and communities. Membership is from the local government, voluntary and independent sectors. It is run largely on a voluntary basis by members on behalf of members. Members? views are promoted to local and central government, political parties and other national youth organisations. The Association disseminates information and guidance about new developments and initiatives. It advises on good practice in a range of services related to youth and community work. Nayceo supports Youth Service managers who have a responsibility to ensure that youth service curriculum and practice are appropriate and responds to the needs of young people. This is particularly important in drug education work and the Association advocates that the delivery of the curriculum meets approved quality standards. Drug education, as part of the personal, social and health agenda in the youth service curriculum, is a key area of concern for all youth work managers. Youth service personnel are often front-line workers who support young people with information, advice, counselling and treatment services. The delivery of the work should be underpinned by a service policy that addresses both the curriculum and the management of drug related incidents. The Association supports its members on drug education and prevention work by disseminating information, raising awareness and creating debate about drug issues.


National Children’s Bureau


National Health Education Group – The National Health Education Group is an organisation for professionals involved in the personal, social and health education of children and young people in formal and informal educational settings. It was founded in 1986 and comprises nine regional groups. The Group aims to enhance the quality of health education, within an equal opportunities framework for children and young people and believes that drug education delivered within the context of PSHE can provide young people with knowledge and understanding about legal and illegal drugs and can give them opportunities to explore their personal values and practise their skills.


NSCoPSE – the National PSE Association




National Union of Teachers


National Youth Agency


PSHE Association – We are committed to helping teachers and other PSHE professionals to better plan, manage, deliver, evaluate and monitor PSHE provision, raising its status and quality and increasing its impact on, and relevance to, learners in the 21st century.


Re-solv – the national charity solely dedicated to the prevention of solvent and volatile substance abuse(VSA). Re-Solv operates throughout the United Kingdom.


RCN School Nurses Forum


Tacade – Tacade is a leading charity working in the field of personal, social, health and citizenship education for children and young people. Tacade provides support for professionals, professional groups, parents and carers by providing a range of effective publications, training, consultancy services and project management. Founded in 1968 Tacade works at a local, national and international level. Tacade has a particular concern to combat the harm to health stemming from legal and illegal substance use.


Voice – the Education Union – Voice is the union for education professionals, and we speak up for everyone, from teachers, lecturers and nursery nurses, to head teachers and school support staff.