Welcome to our website, we hope it will be useful to anyone involved in the development of drug education in England, and in particular to those interested in the development of policy and practice.
What is the Drug Education Forum?
The Drug Education Forum is the umbrella body for national organisations that deliver or support the delivery of drug education. The Forum promotes the provision of effective drug education for all children and young people in England. You can find out more about the Forum here.
This site has a range of resources that reflect the current thinking of the Forum and tackle some of the key questions for the field. In addition to the news items featured on the right of the screen there is an archive of News and Events from the Forum.
We want the site to be a place where those interested in drug education can ask questions and take part in debate. The site hosts a news blog (see below for the latest posts) where we cover news stories and research affecting drug education. We encourage visitors to contribute to the debate and our understanding of the issues.
If you think your organisation might be interested in joining the Forum you can find out more here. Or if you would like to be kept informed about changes and additions to the site please sign up to our weekly email briefings.
Young People’s Drug Use – a paper looking the findings from the annual survey of pupils in England. (And a single page of facts and figures.)
The Reclassification of Cannabis – a short briefing on the advice given to the government on cannabis by their statutory advisers, the ACMD, and the government?s decision to reclassify the drug to Class B.
Public Service Agreements – a briefing note on the contents of PSA 14 and 25. The PSAs are developed as part of the Comprehensive Spending Review and describe the government’s ambitions for services for the period 2008 – 2011. PSAs 14 and 25 deal with substance misuse. This briefing note looks at what they say about children and young people and the services to them and their families.
These are the three latest stories from the Drug Education Forum blog.