Drug Strategy Consultation 2007
The Forum published it’s response to the government’s conslutation on their drug strategy on 19 October 2007. It can be downloaded here.
Pathways to Problems
In March 2007 the Forum responded to Pathways to Problems, a report from the Advisory Committee on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD). The ACMD report, produced towards the end of 2006, set out what the committee consider the hazardous use of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs by young people in the UK and its implications for policy.
The Drug Education Forum’s response focuses on the parts of the report, and recommendations, which are most relevant to drug education. We are critical of the narrow focus on school drug education, and argue that the broader prevention work of schools has been missed. We also highlight the lack of any analysis of non-school drug education.
In 2007 we have responded to NICE’s consultation on alcohol interventions in schools. Our comments included our views on the evidence base, and on the draft guidance.
In December 2006 the Drug Education Forum responded to the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence consultation on substance misuse among vulnerable and disadvantaged young people. The consultation document can be seen here and the Forum’s response here.
In August 2006 NICE – the National Institute of Clinical Excellence – were asked by the Department of Health to look at Guidance for use in primary and secondary schools on sensible alcohol consumption the Drug Education Forum has responded to the consultation on the scoping paper.
The Drug Education Forum has responded to the government’s green paper, Youth Matters.
On 10 February 2006 we sent in a response to the consultation the Home Office is conducting on thresholds following the Drugs Act 2005.
In the autumn of 2005 involved in the consultation to see whether there is a need for a PSHE Teaching Association, which is being led by the National Children’s Bureau (a DEF member) on behalf of the DfES. An analysis of the consultation can be read here.
The DEF sit on the steering group for the Home Office/Association of Chief Police Officers work to produce guidance for how the police should work with schools around drugs issues and drug education. This work is being led by DrugScope (a DEF member).
The DEF is also engaged on the Department of Health’s ongoing work on Volatile Substance Abuse.