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Key issues and figures

Key issues and figures

This section of the website is intended to draw out some of the key knowledge and information we have about:

  • Figures on drug misuse by young people in England;
  • Risk and protective factors;
  • Evidence for effective drug education;
  • Definitions of some of the terms used on the site.

Figures on Drug Misuse by Young People in England

A pr?cis of the findings from surveys of 11 to 15 year old pupils in England about their misuse of drugs. [read more]

Risk and Protective Factors

Research over the last two decades means we know a lot about the risk and preventative factors that affect behaviour by young people; including drug misuse. [read more]

Elements of Effective Drug Education

A guide to delivering effective drug education. [read more]

Drug Education; an entitlement for all

In 2008 the government commissioned an independent advisory group to review the effectiveness of drug education in England [read more]


A list of what we mean by some of the terms that are commonly used on this website. [read more]