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Eric Carlin stands down as Chair of the Drug Education Forum

Eric Carlin stands down as Chair of the Drug Education Forum


Eric Carlin in a statement to the Drug Education Forum said:

After almost 10 years I have given my notice to leave Mentor UK and so I am resigning as Drug Education Forum Chair.

I want to say how much I have enjoyed working with the Drug Education Forum I have learned a great deal and it has been an immense honour to serve as Chair, in all for 5 years. I am proud that government and civil servants rightly recognise the wealth of experience that Drug Education Forum members and their networks can bring to determining the future for drug education.

Stephen Burgess, the vice chair of the Forum said:

Eric chaired the Forum in an exemplary fashion and is leaving the Forum in an even stronger position than when he joined.

There remains a vital role for the Forum to continue to pursue improving the practice and profile of drug education in England. Children and young people continue to make it clear that they value drug education, in schools and youth clubs and in particular the information and advice they receive from their parents.

The Drug Education Forum will shortly hold an election to fill the vacancy caused by Eric?s departure.

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